Three –Channel Thermo-profile Measure Tool

Thermoscope TA-570m

Thermoscope TA-570m


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Three –Channel Temperature Measure and Read-out Tool “Thermoscope  TA-570M” will show you Thermo-profile in the Real Time

Three –Channel Temperature Measure and Read-out Tool “Thermoscope  TA-570M” will show you Thermo-profile in the Real Time.

Soldering technology of modern Electronic Components requires not only precise temperature regimes, but thermo-profiling for process as well. For this matter a working parameters read out pays more and more important role. It simplifies the process and its tuning and support the quality.

Temperature Measure and Read-out Tool “Thermoscope TA-570M” provides a temperature measurement by three channels at the same time with help of small dimensions platinum sensor PT-1000. Indication of measured parameters can be realized either on built-in display or transmitted through RS-232C/USB channel to PC.

For Thermop-profile creation with bigger number of read-out channels up to 4 “Thermoscope TA-570M” tools can be connected to PC at the same time. Temperature Measure and Read-out Tool “Thermoscope TA-570M” is supplied in a set with “ThermoPro Center” software, what helps with PC interface and provides additional program tools.

Up to 12 Thermo-profiles can be read-out simultaneously by sensors installed on processed object. Received data are saved on PC HD for further analysis and hard copies print out.

Полученный термопрофиль Temperature Measure and Read-out Tool “Thermoscope  TA-570M”  is calibrated before delivery. It can be used for thermo regimes controls not only in production but for tests and researches purposes in laboratories conditions.

Термодатчик платиновый керамический для печатных плат и термоскопа   Крепежный штатив
Temperature Measure and Read-out Tool “Thermoscope  TA-570M”  has  6 sensors in a set with 4x2 mm size. Sensors connection PTFE wires length in standard case is 2,2 m but it can be increased up to 5 m by customer order.   All necessary fixing devices for sensors installation are supplied
шарнирный прижим для установки термодатчика на печатную плату         
Stand for mounting the sensor on the printed circuit board (optional).   The sensor has to be aligned to a measured object surface with full its bottom plane for better heat conductivity. We highly recommend to apply a bit of thermo-conductive paste on bottom sensors plane to compensate gap and errors in result.

“Thermoscope  TA-570M” device is powered by batteries АА (not included in the set) or AC adapter.

Technical specification

Nominal Temperature measurement range  −40°C ... +350°C
Nominal measurement error  ± 2°C
Maximum temperature range of measurement  −70°C ... +500°C
Number of channels    3
Power supply  DC 7-9 V
Dimensions of the device (height x width x depth)  44 × 135 × 205 mm
Weight  1 kg
Interface  RS-232C / USB
